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We'll help you protect your future.
Lasting Powers Of Attorney

An important component in creating a life of financial freedom is to plan for the unpredictable, and to put measures in place to protect your future through the inevitable storms that can arise as life unfolds. 

When those storms involve our own failing health, it’s easy to suppose that it’s part of our Plan that can wait until we’re elderly and infirm. But the reality is that incapacity, long-term illness or a serious accident are events that can happen to anyone at any age. To take just one example, did you know that, on average, someone suffers a stroke every five minutes in the UK? And that around a quarter of those afflict people of working age? 

If you contract any form of illness or condition that means that you can’t manage your affairs – known as losing mental capacity – you are going to need someone to act for you, perhaps just for a few weeks, or possibly for the rest of your life. It’s therefore essential that you plan ahead and make sure that the people you choose to act are ones selected by you, and not by a Court. 

By arranging your LPA now, you get to choose who you want to act for you, and you can give them guidance as to your wishes in advance. This might include what bills to pay, how to deal with your investments, or the type of care you would like in the event of life-threatening illness. Call us to find out more or alternatively, download our guide on LPAs.

The Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS)

We are proud to have been accredited by the Law Society's Conveyancing Quality Scheme. This logo is your guarantee that our practice will provide you with a professional & quality conveyancing service.

SRA Pricing Changes

We are proud to be in compliance with the SRAs changes in publishing pricing for specific legal services. This badge is your assurance that we are compliant.

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